Each year as a family we have a gingerbread house building competition. Who ever is available, including adult children and grandchildren, attends and we pair off for a friendly competition. This year, one daughter participated via Skype as she wasn't finished college for Christmas break yet. Some of our more creative family members modify the original gingerbread house creating unique master pieces. The younger less able children have the option of pairing off with an older member of the family or they can decorate and eat gingerbread men. This year 5 decorated gingerbread men with Mom while the others paired off making houses.
After all the houses are complete we have the judging. Dad inspects all the houses coming up with a unique description/category that each house wins for.
Best rendition of a house fire
Trailer park house, with truck on blocks and gingerbread man drinking from his red solo cup

Best architectural design
Best candy train
Most realistic Santa and house
House that has traveled the most via Skype
and finally
the house using the most candy

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